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User Stories

Some users of the system will be known as concerned parties. These concerned parties have very similar needs, however they may fall into two main categories depending on how a dispute is initiated:

  • Complainants: Users that wish to initiate a dispute process with another user
  • Respondants: Users with whom a dispute process has been initiated by a complainant

It is worth noting that concerned parties only refer to complainants and respondents, i.e. they do not include the other user types detailed below.

Concerned Parties

As a Concerned party I want to manage my contact details so that I am reachable in the event of a dispute

As a Concerned party I want to be notified of an update in a dispute I am involved in so that I am well-informed of the status of the dispute.

As a Concerned Party, I want to be look at an archive of previously resolved cases such that I can clearly see how

As a Concerned Party, I want to search the archive for disputes related to my case, such that I can get a sense of precedence

As a Concerned Party, I want to group similar disputes together, such that I can find patterns between similar disputes

As a Concerned Party, I want to be see the time taken for a dispute to be resolved such that I can estimate how long certain disputes will take.

As a Concerned Party, I want to view the events of previously resolved dispute to get a better sense of the flow of a dispute.


As a Complainant I want to initiate a dispute so that I can begin resolving the dispute

As a Complainant I want to upload documents to provide evidence to justify a dispute

As a Complainant I want to talk privately to Mediator so that I can discuss the dispute in more depth

As a Complainant I want to upload documents to refute counter-evidence provided by the Respondant so that both parties are in agreement of the evidence at hand


As a Respondant I want to receive a notification about the dispute so that I can begin resolving the dispute

As a Respondant I want to upload documents to refute evidence provided by Complainant

As a Respondant I want to challenge an appointed mediator to ensure that the dispute process remains unbiased.

As a Respondant I want to be notified when a dispute is submitted against me so that I can provide a response to the complainant.


As a Mediator I want to be assigned a dispute so that I can begin mediation

As a Mediator I want to see the documents provided by the Complainant and Respondant so that I can ensure due course was followed

As a Mediator I want to customise the workflow of the dispute so that I can ensure the fairest way to hear from both Parties

As a Mediator I want to see cultural information of each party so that I can be more sensitive to the Parties

As a Mediator I want to be able to deny an assignment to a dispute when there is a conflict of interest so that the dispute remains unbiased.

Organisation Owner

As an organisation owner I want to create an organisation so that I can manage that organisation

As an organisation owner I want to specify a set of workflows for my organisation so that all disputes follow due process

As an organisation owner I want to specify pools of experts so that a mediator is correctly chosen based on their expertise

As an organisation owner I want to see all ongonig disputes so that I am well informed of them


As an admin I want to see the available mediators at any given point so that I can manage the active mediators

As an admin I want to manage expert pools so that I can mediators are correctly assigned

As an admin I want to manage organisations so that I can ensure they are structured correctly