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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Have a question about our site here are some commonly asked questions.

What is the purpose of DRE?

The purpose of the Dispute Resolution Engine is to make the dispute resoltuion process more affordable and less time consuming, giving it a unique edge over other Alternate Dispute Resolution methods. Our system also encourages an unbiased and fair dispute resolution, through letting a computer algorithm select valid expert candidates to aid in the resolution process.

What is an Expert?

An expert is an individual who can have one or more of the following roles: Mediator, Adjudicator, Arbitrator, Administrator. When you file your dispute, is will typically first be processed by an Administrator. From this point the Administrator will oversee, and interviene, the resolution process. Once the dispute case reaches a state where parties are ready to proceed with the resolution process, experts will be assigned to the case. The experts assigned will be a fully qualified to either Mediate, Adjudicate or Arbitrate for your dispute.

What do I need to file a dispute or open a case?

To file a dispute, you will need the other parties full name, email address and phone number. Evidence does not need to filed initially, but would be beneficial for more serious disputes. Once the case was submitted it will be reviewed by an administrator.

How will I know when there is a change to a case/dispute I am involved with?

The system communicates and notifies relevant parties primerily via email. Hence, all important events and status changes, that pertain to a case you are involved with, will trigger a relevant email notification to be send to the parties.

If I want to file a case/dispute, do all participants need to have a registered account?

The answer is yes, all parties that participate in the dispute will need to have a registered account. This is to aid in ensuring fairness throughout the dispute resolution process, by allowing us to accoractely "record-keep" events and communications petaining to a case.

What happens if I am not happy with the Expert assigned to my case/dispute?

Once Experts are assigned to the case, if you have a valid reason to as to why an Expert is not suited to you case, you can submit your objection and reason through the system. The administrator of your case will then review your objection and either "overrule" or "sustain" your reason.

How many Experts will be assigned to my case/dispute?

A minimum of one expert will always be assigned to a dispute however,depending on the serverity of the case is more than one expert may be assigned. If you feel that your case will need more experts than what we recommnd or assign, you are welcome to request more.

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