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Coding Standards

Formatting Tools and Configurations


We use Prettier for code formatting to ensure consistency across different files and contributors for all our Javascript/Typescript project. Our prettier configuartion is as follows:

"tabWidth": 2,
"useTabs": false,
"printWidth": 100,
"singleQuote": false,
"bracketSameLine": false,
"arrowParens": "always",
"endOfLine": "lf"

Go Format

For our Go-based projects, we use gofmt along with the opinionated formatting of the Go language, which ensures that all our Go code follow the style prescribed by the Go development team.

Git Conventions

Branch Naming Rules

Branches in our repository are divided into two types of branches:

  • feat/xxx: Features to be added to the code base
  • docs/xxx: Documentation-based branches
  • hotfix/xxx: Urgent changes to be made to main

Commit Naming Rules

Commit messages should be concise and descriptive. The format is:

  • feat: xxx for additions that add features to the project
  • refac: xxx for changes made to the code with no additional features added
  • fix: xxx for bug fixes
  • chore: xxx for general structural organization without features
  • docs: xxx for changes made to documentation in general

File Structure

Our repository follows a monorepo structure, with each part of the project defined in a sub-folder in the root of the project:

├── api       <---- Go API
├── frontend <---- Next.js frontend
└── initdb <---- SQL scripts to initialize database


Adhering to these coding standards and conventions will help ensure that our codebase remains clean, consistent, and maintainable. These guidelines should be reviewed and updated as necessary to accommodate new tools or practices.