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Technology Requirements


In a dispute resolution engine, NextJS serves as the backbone of the frontend, offering significant advantages over other frameworks with its focus on scalability and performance through serverless operations. NextJS's server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) capabilities ensure fast load times and improved performance, directly contributing to the Quality Attributes of Scalability and Performance. Its flexible and modular architecture facilitates seamless integration of various components and modules, enhancing the platform's Maintainability and Usability by allowing developers to build and update features efficiently. NextJS also excels in providing a responsive and user-friendly experience across devices, ensuring that the platform meets the Usability Quality Attribute. Its built-in support for routing, API routes, and middleware simplifies the development process, aligning with functional requirements such as the Secure Communication Channel and Resolution Support Tools. Additionally, NextJS's robust ecosystem and active community support further enhance its reliability and maintainability, ensuring long-term sustainability and continuous improvement.

ShadCn and Tailwind

The integration of Shadcn and Tailwind in the frontend design ensures a polished and professional appearance for the dispute resolution platform, offering significant advantages over other design solutions. Shadcn's comprehensive component library provides pre-built, customizable UI components that streamline development and ensure design consistency across the platform. This directly supports the Usability Quality Attribute by creating an intuitive and visually appealing interface that enhances user engagement.

Tailwind CSS, with its utility-first approach, complements Shadcn by offering a highly efficient and flexible styling system. This allows developers to apply styles directly within the HTML, reducing the need for custom CSS and improving maintainability. Tailwind's extensive configuration options and responsive design capabilities ensure the platform looks and functions well on various devices, aligning with the Usability and Maintainability Quality Attributes.

When combined with NextJS, Shadcn and Tailwind CSS enable rapid development and seamless integration of design elements, enhancing the overall frontend framework. This synergy ensures that the platform not only performs well but also provides a consistent and engaging user experience. In summary, the integration of Shadcn and Tailwind CSS elevates the frontend design, contributing to a robust, maintainable, and user-friendly dispute resolution platform.


GoLang plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between different components of the dispute resolution engine, outshining other languages with its focus on performance, scalability, and reliability. GoLang's efficient concurrency model, powered by goroutines, ensures robust and scalable operations, making it well-suited for handling various backend tasks within the platform. This directly supports Quality Attributes such as Scalability and Performance, enabling the system to manage high traffic and execute complex operations seamlessly. Additionally, GoLang's strong typing and garbage collection enhance code reliability and maintainability, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and memory leaks. Its simplicity and ease of deployment contribute to faster development cycles and easier maintenance, aligning perfectly with the Maintainability and Usability Quality Attributes. Furthermore, GoLang's standard library and powerful built-in tools streamline API development, ensuring efficient communication between different components of the platform. This makes it an ideal choice for building the API, supporting functional requirements such as the Secure Communication Channel and Resolution Support Tools.


PostgreSQL offers a superior selection of features, is more robust, and secure when compared to other databases. Its advanced parallel query execution enhances performance and scalability, efficiently managing high traffic and complex queries, which is crucial for maintaining the platform's Reliability and Scalability and Performance Quality Attributes. PostgreSQL's row-level security (RLS) feature provides granular access control, ensuring sensitive information is accessible only to authorized users and enhancing Compliance with privacy regulations. Its support for JSON and JSONB data types allows flexible handling of complex and hierarchical data, facilitating efficient storage and querying of dispute-related information. This flexibility is particularly valuable for meeting functional requirements such as Analytics Profiling and Resolution Archive. Moreover, PostgreSQL's full-text search capabilities enable quick and accurate retrieval of relevant disputes, legal documents, and case notes, significantly improving the Usability and Maintainability Quality Attributes.


PGAdmin is an indispensable tool for managing our PostgreSQL databases in the dispute resolution platform. It provides a comprehensive interface for database administration, allowing developers and administrators to efficiently handle tasks such as querying, performance tuning, and data visualization. PGAdmin supports quality attributes like maintainability and reliability by offering powerful features for database monitoring, backup, and restoration, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance. By facilitating easy management of our database systems, PGAdmin helps maintain a robust and efficient backend, crucial for handling high volumes of dispute-related data.


In our dispute resolution engine, Redis serves as a vital caching layer, optimizing performance and enhancing scalability. By storing frequently accessed data in memory, Redis significantly reduces the need for repetitive database queries, thereby speeding up response times and improving overall system efficiency. Redis's in-memory data storage architecture enables lightning-fast retrieval of cached information, making it ideal for critical components such as user sessions, frequently accessed documents, and real-time notifications. Its support for various data structures and atomic operations allows for flexible caching strategies tailored to specific application needs. Furthermore, Redis's built-in replication and clustering capabilities ensure high availability and fault tolerance, crucial for maintaining system reliability in the event of failures. With Redis, our dispute resolution platform can efficiently handle large volumes of data and user interactions while delivering a responsive and seamless user experience.


Docker plays a pivotal role in our dispute resolution platform by containerizing the application, ensuring consistent deployment across various environments and enhancing scalability. With Docker, most functional requirements, like AI-driven Mediation Suggestions, can encapsulated as a component within an isolated container, enabling seamless integration and efficient resource utilization. Docker also addresses quality attributes such as reliability, scalability, security, and maintainability, ensuring the platform's robustness and performance while simplifying deployment and management tasks for developers and administrators alike.


In our dispute resolution engine, TensorFlow stands out as the preferred framework for advanced analytics and model training, particularly for tasks such as comparing images to resolve factual disputes. TensorFlow's robust machine learning capabilities surpass those of many other frameworks, allowing us to develop sophisticated models that can analyze evidence, assess similarities between images, and provide objective insights to mediators. This aligns with functional requirements such as Natural Language Processing and AI-driven Mediation Suggestions, enabling complex data analysis and informed decision-making. TensorFlow's extensive support for deep learning and its comprehensive ecosystem make it ideal for handling a wide range of tasks, from image recognition to natural language understanding. Additionally, TensorFlow contributes to quality attributes like Scalability and Performance, ensuring efficient processing of large datasets and delivering accurate resolutions based on factual evidence. Its widespread adoption and active community support further enhance its reliability and maintainability.

Github and Git

GitHub and Git are essential tools for the development and maintenance of our dispute resolution platform. Git provides robust version control, allowing developers to track changes, collaborate efficiently, and manage code history. GitHub enhances this by offering a centralized repository for code hosting, enabling seamless collaboration through pull requests, code reviews, and issue tracking. These tools support quality attributes like maintainability and reliability, ensuring that our development process is organized, transparent, and capable of handling updates and feature additions efficiently. Through GitHub and Git, we maintain a high standard of code quality and project management, crucial for the platform's continuous improvement and stability.

Cypress and Jest

Cypress and Jest is the best choice for a testing framework, for the dispute resolution platform, offering comprehensive coverage and robust capabilities that elevate the quality of our codebase. Cypress, renowned for its prowess in end-to-end testing, meticulously verifies user interactions and workflows, thereby enhancing the platform's Usability and Reliability. By simulating real user behavior, Cypress ensures that our platform functions seamlessly, providing a smooth and intuitive experience for all users. On the other hand, Jest, a versatile JavaScript testing framework, excels in unit and integration tests, meticulously validating the correctness of individual components and their interactions. This dual approach, integrating both end-to-end and unit testing, ensures a thorough evaluation of our platform's functionality and behavior. By automating testing processes and swiftly identifying bugs, Cypress and Jest contribute to Quality Attributes such as Maintainability and Reliability, facilitating easier code maintenance and reducing the likelihood of errors in production. With this rigorous testing approach, we can confidently deliver a stable and user-friendly dispute resolution platform that meets the needs of our users.


ESLint emerges as an indispensable tool in upholding code quality and coherence throughout the development lifecycle of our dispute resolution platform. Compared to other linters, ESLint stands out for its robust functionality and extensive rule set, enabling us to enforce coding standards and best practices tailored to our specific project requirements. This adaptability ensures that our codebase remains clean, readable, and consistent, addressing quality attributes such as Maintainability and Reliability. By detecting and flagging common errors, potential vulnerabilities, and stylistic inconsistencies, ESLint significantly reduces the likelihood of bugs and security issues, thus bolstering the platform's reliability and security. Moreover, ESLint seamlessly integrates into our development workflow, providing real-time feedback to developers as they write code. This immediate feedback loop empowers developers to adhere to coding standards and address issues promptly, fostering a more efficient and collaborative development environment. In summary, ESLint emerges as the superior choice for maintaining code quality and consistency, aligning perfectly with our platform's quality attributes and enhancing the overall development process.


Markdown emerges as the cornerstone of our documentation strategy for the dispute resolution platform, outshining other formats with its unparalleled simplicity and versatility. Integrated seamlessly with GitHub, Markdown facilitates effortless collaboration and version control, aligning perfectly with the platform's Quality Attributes of Maintainability and Usability. Unlike traditional documentation formats, Markdown offers a lightweight syntax that empowers developers to create clear, concise, and visually appealing documentation. This clarity and accessibility enhance the platform's Usability Quality Attribute, providing developers and users with a structured and easily navigable resource. Moreover, Markdown's flexibility enables us to efficiently communicate project requirements, guidelines, and updates, fostering transparency and facilitating a well-documented development process. By leveraging Markdown, we not only prioritize Maintainability and Usability but also streamline the documentation workflow, contributing to the platform's Quality Attributes of Reliability and Scalability. In essence, Markdown emerges as the superior choice for our documentation needs, elevating the development process and enhancing the overall quality of the dispute resolution platform.


GitGuardian plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of our dispute resolution platform's source code and sensitive information. By continuously monitoring repositories and detecting potential security threats such as exposed credentials and API keys, GitGuardian helps prevent data breaches and unauthorized access. This proactive approach to security enhances quality attributes like reliability and security by safeguarding against vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. With GitGuardian integrated into our development workflow, we can maintain the integrity and confidentiality of our codebase, mitigating risks and maintaining user trust.


goVulnCheck is essential for maintaining the security and reliability of our Go-based backend in the dispute resolution platform. By scanning the codebase for known vulnerabilities in Go libraries and dependencies, goVulnCheck ensures that potential security risks are identified and addressed promptly. This contributes to quality attributes like security and reliability, helping to protect the platform from exploits and ensuring the robustness of our backend services. Integrating goVulnCheck into our development process allows us to maintain a secure and trustworthy application environment.


Dependabot automates dependency management for our dispute resolution platform, continuously monitoring and updating libraries to their latest secure versions. By automatically generating pull requests for dependency updates, Dependabot helps us stay ahead of security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues. This enhances quality attributes like security, maintainability, and reliability by ensuring that our application components are always up-to-date and secure. Dependabot’s integration into our GitHub workflow streamlines the update process, reducing the manual effort required to maintain a healthy and secure codebase.


Let’s Encrypt stands out as the optimal choice for ensuring secure communication within our dispute resolution platform. By offering free SSL/TLS certificates, Let’s Encrypt not only supports functional requirements such as the Secure Communication Channel but also significantly contributes to quality attributes like security and reliability. Unlike other certificate providers, Let’s Encrypt's commitment to openness and transparency fosters a vibrant community of users and developers. This active community ensures ongoing support and resources, aligning perfectly with our platform's Quality Attribute of Maintainability. Moreover, Let’s Encrypt's automation features streamline the issuance and renewal of certificates, enhancing the platform's reliability and scalability. By encrypting data transmission between users and the server, Let’s Encrypt safeguards sensitive information, addressing the Security Quality Attribute and ensuring compliance with data protection standards. This dedication to security and privacy underscores Let’s Encrypt's suitability for our platform's Quality Attribute of Compliance. In summary, Let’s Encrypt not only fulfills functional requirements such as the Secure Communication Channel but also excels in meeting the Quality Attributes of Reliability, Scalability and Performance, Security, Compliance, and Maintainability, making it the ideal choice for our dispute resolution platform.

Version 2 - Technology Choices

Frontend Framework



NextJS is a React framework that enables functionalities such as server-side rendering and generating static websites for React-based web applications. It is developed by Vercel.


  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG): Improves performance and SEO.
  • React Ecosystem: Leverages the vast React ecosystem and libraries.
  • File-based Routing: Simplifies the routing setup.
  • Built-in API Routes: Allows building backend services within the same project.
  • Large Community and Ecosystem: Extensive documentation and numerous third-party libraries.


  • Complexity: Can be overkill for simple projects.
  • Customization: Requires deeper understanding for custom configurations.
  • Learning Curve: Slightly steeper learning curve for beginners.



SolidJS is a declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It focuses on fine-grained reactivity and aims to offer the performance of low-level libraries while maintaining the simplicity of higher-level frameworks.


  • Performance: Fine-grained reactivity model ensures high performance.
  • Small Bundle Size: Lightweight, leading to faster load times.
  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and use for developers familiar with React-like syntax.


  • Smaller Community: Less community support and fewer resources compared to React-based frameworks.
  • Limited Ecosystem: Fewer third-party libraries and tools available.
  • Early Stage: Being relatively new, it might have fewer best practices and potential instability.



Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. It is developed and maintained by Google.


  • Comprehensive Framework: Includes everything needed for large-scale applications.
  • TypeScript Support: Strong typing helps catch errors early.
  • Two-Way Data Binding: Simplifies the synchronization between model and view.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Promotes reusability and maintainability.
  • Large Ecosystem and Community: Extensive documentation and numerous third-party libraries.


  • Complexity: Steep learning curve, especially for beginners.
  • Performance: Can be slower compared to other frameworks for simple applications.
  • Verbosity: More boilerplate code compared to frameworks like React or SolidJS.

Final Technology Choice: NextJS


After evaluating the three technologies, we have chosen NextJS for the following reasons:

  • Larger Ecosystem and Community Support
  • Performance
  • Flexibility and Scalability:
  • Ease of Development:
  • Accessible Component Libraries

Component Libraries for NextJS


Overview ShadCN is a modern, customizable component library designed to work seamlessly with NextJS. It provides a collection of pre-built, styled components that can be easily integrated into NextJS applications.


  • Customizability: Highly customizable components to fit various design needs.
  • Modern Design: Adopts contemporary design principles ensuring a sleek user interface.
  • NextJS Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with NextJS, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.
  • Theming: Supports theming, making it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel.


  • Smaller Community: Compared to more established libraries, ShadCN has a smaller user base and community.
  • Documentation: May have less comprehensive documentation compared to more mature libraries.

Chakra UI

Overview Chakra UI is a simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you all the building blocks you need to build React applications. It is designed with a focus on simplicity and accessibility.


  • Simplicity: Easy to use and integrate with NextJS applications.
  • Accessibility: Built with accessibility in mind, ensuring components are usable by everyone.
  • Theming: Provides robust theming capabilities.
  • Modularity: Modular approach allows for easy customization and extension.


  • Learning Curve: Although simple, it may require some learning to utilize its full potential.
  • Performance: Might introduce some performance overhead due to its extensive feature set.

Material-UI (MUI)

Overview Material-UI is one of the most popular React component libraries, implementing Google's Material Design principles. It provides a comprehensive set of components that can be easily integrated into NextJS projects.


  • Popularity: Large community and extensive documentation.
  • Material Design: Provides a consistent design language following Material Design guidelines.
  • Theming: Robust theming capabilities for consistent design.
  • Rich Component Set: Comprehensive set of pre-built components.


  • Bundle Size: Larger bundle size compared to some other libraries.
  • Customization: Customizing components to deviate from Material Design can be complex.
  • Performance: Can introduce performance overhead due to its comprehensive feature set.

Final Component Library Choice: ShadCN


We chose ShadCN for our project for the following reasons:

  • Customisation
  • Modern Design
  • Seamless NextJS Integration
  • Theming

API Components

Go (Golang)

Overview Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google. It is known for its simplicity, performance, and support for concurrent programming.


  • Performance: Compiled language with excellent performance and low latency.
  • Concurrency: Built-in support for concurrent programming with goroutines and channels.
  • Simplicity: Simple syntax and easy to learn, especially for developers with experience in C-like languages.
  • Standard Library: Rich standard library with built-in support for building web servers and handling HTTP requests.
  • Static Typing: Helps catch errors at compile-time, enhancing reliability and maintainability.


  • Library Ecosystem: Smaller ecosystem compared to more established languages like JavaScript or PHP.


Overview PHP is a popular server-side scripting language designed for web development. It is widely used and supported by a vast number of web servers and hosting environments.


  • Simplicity: Easy to learn and use, with a syntax that is friendly to beginners.
  • Mature Ecosystem: Extensive ecosystem with a wide range of libraries and frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony).
  • Integration: Excellent integration with various databases and web servers.
  • Community Support: Large community and extensive documentation.


  • Performance: Slower performance compared to compiled languages like Go.
  • Concurrency: Limited support for concurrent processing.
  • Scalability: Can be challenging to scale for high-concurrency applications.


Overview Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is designed for building scalable network applications and supports non-blocking, event-driven I/O.


  • Performance: High performance due to the V8 engine and non-blocking I/O model.
  • Concurrency: Efficient handling of multiple simultaneous connections with its event-driven architecture.
  • JavaScript: Leverages the widespread knowledge and use of JavaScript.
  • Ecosystem: Rich ecosystem with npm, the largest package repository.


  • Callback Hell: Can result in complex and hard-to-maintain code due to excessive use of callbacks, though this is mitigated by Promises and async/await.
  • Single Threaded: Single-threaded nature can be a limitation for CPU-intensive tasks.
  • Memory Consumption: Higher memory consumption compared to some other server-side languages.

Final API Component Choice: Go


We chose Go for our API component for the following reasons:

  • Concurrency
  • Performance
  • Simplicity
  • Reliability

Database Components


Overview PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system known for its robustness, extensibility, and standards compliance. It supports both SQL querying and JSON storage.


  • ACID Compliance: Ensures reliable transactions and data integrity.
  • Rich SQL Support: Advanced SQL functionalities, including complex queries, indexing, and full-text search.
  • Extensibility: Supports custom functions, data types, and indexing methods.
  • Community and Support: Large, active community with extensive documentation and support.
  • Scalability: Capable of handling large datasets and high transaction rates.


  • Complexity: May require more setup and tuning compared to simpler databases.
  • Performance: While performant, it may not match the speed of some NoSQL databases for certain workloads.

NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB)

Overview NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, provide a flexible, schema-less data model, which is ideal for storing unstructured or semi-structured data. They are designed for scalability and high performance.


  • Flexibility: Schema-less design allows for easy storage of varied and evolving data structures.
  • Scalability: Horizontal scaling capabilities make it suitable for large-scale applications.
  • Performance: Optimized for fast read and write operations, particularly for simple query patterns.
  • JSON Support: Naturally supports JSON-like documents, making it easy to work with modern web applications.


  • Consistency: Typically prioritize availability and partition tolerance over consistency (CAP theorem), which may lead to eventual consistency issues.
  • Complex Queries: Less efficient for complex querying and transaction management compared to relational databases.
  • Learning Curve: Requires learning different querying and indexing techniques compared to SQL.

Graph Database (e.g., Neo4j)

Overview Graph databases, like Neo4j, are designed to store and query data structured as graphs. They excel in managing relationships between data points, making them ideal for complex relational data models.


  • Relationship Management: Optimized for querying and managing complex relationships.
  • Performance: Efficient for graph traversal operations and complex relationship queries.
  • Flexibility: Schema-less design allows for evolving data models.
  • Visualization: Naturally supports visualization of data relationships.


  • Complexity: May require specialized knowledge to set up and query effectively.
  • Scalability: Can be challenging to scale horizontally compared to other database types.
  • Integration: May need integration with other database systems for non-graph data storage.

Final Database Choice: PostgreSQL


We chose PostgreSQL for our database component for the following reasons:

  • Reliability
  • Complex Queries
  • Extensibility
  • Scalability and Performance

Caching Layer Technologies


Overview Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more.


  • Performance: Extremely fast due to in-memory storage.
  • Data Structures: Supports various data structures, enabling flexible data handling.
  • Persistence Options: Can persist data to disk, offering durability alongside in-memory speed.
  • Scalability: Supports clustering and replication for scalability.
  • Rich Feature Set: Includes features like pub/sub messaging, Lua scripting, and geospatial indexing.


  • Memory Usage: Being in-memory, it can consume a significant amount of RAM, which may be costly.
  • Complexity: Advanced features and configurations can add complexity.


Overview Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. It is designed to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.


  • Performance: Fast, in-memory caching system.
  • Simplicity: Simple design and easy to set up and use.
  • Distributed: Supports distributed caching across multiple servers.
  • Lightweight: Minimal resource overhead.


  • Data Persistence: Lacks persistence options; data is lost if the server is restarted.
  • Limited Data Types: Supports only simple key-value pairs, limiting flexibility.
  • Scalability: While distributed, it does not support native clustering like Redis.

Varnish Cache

Overview Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. It is used to speed up web applications by caching content at the HTTP level.


  • Performance: Designed for HTTP caching, providing extremely fast content delivery.
  • Flexibility: Configurable caching policies using Varnish Configuration Language (VCL).
  • Scalability: Handles large amounts of traffic efficiently.
  • Content Delivery: Optimizes delivery of static and dynamic content.


  • Complexity: VCL can be complex to learn and use effectively.
  • Limited Use Case: Primarily focused on HTTP caching, not general-purpose caching.
  • Resource Intensive: Can be resource-intensive, especially for complex configurations.

Final Caching Layer Choice: Redis


We chose Redis for our caching layer for the following reasons:

  • Performance
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability
  • Persistence
  • Rich Feature Set

Deployment Technologies


Overview Docker is a platform that enables developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers allow for consistent environments across various stages of development and deployment.


  • Consistency: Ensures applications run the same way regardless of where they are deployed.
  • Isolation: Containers isolate applications, improving security and reducing dependency conflicts.
  • Portability: Containers can run on any system that supports Docker, enhancing portability.
  • Efficiency: Containers are lightweight compared to virtual machines, optimizing resource usage.


  • Learning Curve: Requires familiarity with container concepts and Docker commands.
  • Complexity: Managing many containers can become complex without additional orchestration tools.


Overview Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating containerized applications. It is a container orchestration system that works seamlessly with Docker.


  • Scalability: Automatically scales applications based on demand.
  • High Availability: Ensures application uptime through automated failover and self-healing.
  • Management: Simplifies management of containerized applications with features like load balancing, service discovery, and rolling updates.
  • Ecosystem: Rich ecosystem with support for monitoring, logging, and other operational needs.


  • Complexity: Steeper learning curve and complexity compared to Docker alone.
  • Resource Intensive: Can be resource-intensive, requiring careful resource management and planning.

GitHub Actions

Overview GitHub Actions is a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) platform that automates the build, test, and deployment pipeline. It integrates seamlessly with GitHub repositories.


  • Integration: Seamless integration with GitHub repositories for automated workflows.
  • Flexibility: Highly customizable workflows using YAML configuration.
  • Scalability: Runs workflows in parallel, improving efficiency.
  • Community: Large number of pre-built actions available from the community.


  • Complexity: Can become complex for large projects with many workflows.
  • Cost: Usage may incur costs depending on the number of workflows and minutes used.

Final Deployment Choice: Docker with Kubernetes and GitHub Actions

Reasoning: We chose Docker for containerization, Kubernetes for orchestration, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD automation for the following reasons:

  1. Consistency and Portability (Docker)
  2. Scalability and High Availability (Kubernetes)
  3. Automation and Integration (GitHub Actions)

LLM Technologies

ChatGPT (by OpenAI)

Overview ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI, capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on the input it receives. It can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks.


  • Advanced Language Understanding: Excellent comprehension and generation of natural language.
  • Versatility: Capable of performing various tasks such as summarization, categorization, and workflow generation.
  • API Access: Easy integration via API, enabling seamless embedding into applications.
  • Pre-trained Knowledge: Extensive pre-trained data, providing high-quality responses without needing extensive retraining.


  • Cost: Usage can become expensive depending on the volume of API calls.
  • Dependency: Reliance on an external service can introduce latency and availability concerns.
  • Data Privacy: Sensitive data sent to the model may raise privacy concerns, depending on the use case.

BERT (by Google)

Overview BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a transformer-based model designed for a variety of natural language understanding tasks. It can be fine-tuned for specific applications such as summarization and classification.


  • Bidirectional Context: Considers the full context of words in a sentence, providing deep understanding.
  • Customization: Can be fine-tuned for specific tasks to improve performance.
  • Open Source: Available as an open-source model, allowing for on-premises deployment and customization.


  • Training Complexity: Requires significant computational resources and expertise to fine-tune and deploy.
  • Inference Speed: May have slower inference times compared to lighter models.
  • Implementation Effort: Requires more effort to integrate and fine-tune compared to plug-and-play solutions.

LLaMA (by Meta)

Overview LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) is an open-source family of language models developed by Meta, designed to offer a competitive alternative to other leading models like GPT-3 and GPT-4. It is tailored for a wide range of natural language processing tasks and can be adapted for specific applications.


  • Open Source: Freely available without expensive licensing fees, enabling broader accessibility.
  • Customization: Users can modify and adapt the model to suit specific needs, providing greater flexibility.
  • Performance: Matches or exceeds the performance of state-of-the-art models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.
  • Efficiency: Optimized for faster inference times and lower computational requirements.


  • Support and Maintenance: Dependent on community support rather than dedicated commercial support.
  • Inconsistent Updates: Updates and fixes can be delayed or inconsistent.
  • Bias and Fairness: Potential for biases in training data that need ongoing management.
  • Data Limitations: Possible gaps in knowledge or performance depending on the datasets used.

Final LLM Choice: ChatGPT


We chose ChatGPT for our LLM component for the following reasons:

  • Advanced Language Understanding
  • Versatility
  • API Integration
  • Pre-trained Knowledge