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Software Requirements



The following high-level objectives of the Dispute Resolution Engine are defined:

  1. Automate the Dispute Resolution Process
  2. Automated Mediator Assignment
  3. Scalability in Handling High Volumes of Disputes
  4. Equitable Access and Availability
  5. Human Intervention and Compliance
  6. User-Friendly Interface
  7. Support and Guidance for Users
  8. Analytical Tools for Mediators
  9. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness
  10. Comprehensive Documentation Management
  11. Neutrality and Bias Reduction
  12. Tracking Online Transactions and Contracts

Functional Requirements

Core Requirements

  1. Two-Party Engagement

    1. User Registration:
      1. Handles account creation for disputing parties.
      2. Manages authentication and authorization.
      3. Includes profile management for each party.
    2. Dispute Submission and Viewing:
      1. Interface for parties to submit their dispute details.
      2. Interface for parties to browse their active diputes.
      3. Form and document upload functionality for evidence and statements.
    3. Evidence Management:
      1. Secure storage and retrieval of submitted evidence.
      2. Metadata tagging and organization of evidence for easy access.
  2. Mediator(s) Assignment

    1. Mediator Data Store:
      1. Stores information on mediators, including expertise, availability, and historical performance.
    2. Assignment Algorithm: (See Wow Factor 3 for AI-driven suggestions)
      1. Logic for matching mediators to disputes based on type, expertise, and availability.
      2. Includes load balancing to ensure fair distribution of cases among mediators.
    3. Availability Management:
      1. Tracks and updates mediator availability in real-time.
      2. Syncs with mediator schedules and appointment systems.
  3. Dispute Resolution Workflow

    1. Workflow Engine: (See Wow Factor 2 for Customizable Workflows)
      1. Manages the progression of disputes through defined stages (submission, mediation, resolution, etc.).
      2. Configurable timelines and automated advancement through stages.
    2. Notification System:
      1. Sends alerts and reminders to parties and mediators about upcoming deadlines, sessions, and required actions.
      2. Supports multiple methods such as email, SMS, etc.
    3. Action Checklist:
      1. Provides a detailed checklist of required actions for each party at each stage.
      2. Tracks completion status and compliance with required steps.
  4. Secure Communication Channel

    1. Encrypted Messaging:
      1. Real-time messaging system for parties and mediators.
      2. End-to-end encryption to ensure message confidentiality.
    2. Document Exchange:
      1. Secure document upload and download capabilities.
      2. Encryption for all documents in transit and at rest.
    3. Access Control:
      1. Role-based access control to ensure only authorized users can access specific messages and documents.
  5. Natural Language Processing

    1. Document Processing:
      1. Extracts text from submitted documents.
      2. Converts scanned documents to text using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) if needed.
    2. Summary Generation:
      1. Uses NLP techniques to summarize dispute statements and evidence.
      2. Highlights key points and relevant information for mediators.
    3. Sentiment Analysis:
      1. Analyzes the tone and sentiment of submitted statements to provide additional context.
  6. Analytics Profiling

    1. Case Outcomes Analysis:
      1. Tracks and records the outcomes of resolved disputes.
      2. Generates statistics on success rates, resolution times, and more.
      3. Archives resolved disputes for future reference.
    2. Mediator Performance:
      1. Compiles data on mediator effectiveness and case history.
      2. Provides insights into mediator strengths and areas for improvement.
    3. Reporting Tools:
      1. Dashboards and visualizations for mediators and lawyers to explore case data.
  7. Universal Dispute Creator

    1. Domain Configuration:
      1. Allows customization of dispute parameters for different fields or domains.
      2. Supports templates and presets for common dispute types.
    2. Integration Layer:
      1. Interfaces with external systems and databases to import/export dispute data.
      2. Supports APIs and data exchange standards for interoperability.

Optional Requirements

  1. Resolution Support Tools

    1. Settlement Option Generator:
      1. Interactive tool to propose potential settlement options based on dispute details and historical data.
      2. Includes templates and customizable options for various types of disputes.
    2. Dispute Nuance Analyzer:
      1. Uses AI to analyze and highlight key nuances and complexities of the dispute.
      2. Provides insights and suggestions to mediators based on the analysis.
    3. Guidance System:
      1. Provides step-by-step guidance to mediators for conducting mediation sessions.
      2. Includes best practices, tips, and checklists to ensure effective mediation.
  2. Resolution Archive

    1. Secure Storage:
      1. Securely stores all dispute records with robust encryption.
      2. Ensures data integrity and prevents unauthorized access.
    2. Search and Retrieval: (See Wow Factor 1 for Advanced Analytics)
      1. Provides a powerful search engine to query archived disputes.
      2. Supports advanced search filters based on dispute type, resolution outcome, date, involved parties, and other criteria.
    3. Audit Trail:
      1. Maintains a comprehensive audit trail of access and modifications to archived disputes.
      2. Ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements for data retention and auditing.
  3. Feedback System

    1. Feedback Collection:
      1. Collects feedback from all parties involved in the dispute resolution process post-resolution.
      2. Supports multiple feedback formats, including surveys, ratings, and free-form comments.
    2. Analysis and Reporting:
      1. Analyzes collected feedback to identify trends, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement.
      2. Generates reports and dashboards for developers to review feedback metrics.
  4. Language Adaptability

    1. Multilingual User Interface:
      1. Provides a user interface that supports multiple languages.
      2. Allows users to select their preferred language for navigation and interaction.
    2. Translation Services:
      1. Integrates real-time translation services for chat, messages, and documents.
      2. Supports both machine translation and manual translation options for accuracy.
    3. Local Language Processing:
      1. Implements NLP capabilities for processing and understanding local languages.
      2. Ensures accurate text analysis, sentiment analysis, and summary generation in various languages.

Wow Factors

  1. Advanced Analytics

    1. Comprehensive Analytics Engine
      1. Aggregates data from resolved disputes.
      2. Uses statistical analysis and machine learning to identify trends, commonalities, and anomalies in dispute resolution processes.
      3. Generates visual reports and dashboards that provide actionable insights for mediators, legal professionals, and system administrators.
      4. Supports predictive analytics to forecast dispute outcomes and identify factors that influence successful resolutions.
  2. Customizable dispute resolution workflows.

    1. Dynamic Workflow Designer
      1. Provides a user-friendly interface for designing workflows with swappable elements.
      2. Supports the creation of multiple workflow templates for different types of disputes and user roles.
      3. Enables customization of each step in the workflow, including timelines, required actions, notifications, and approval processes.
      4. Integrates with the core workflow engine to ensure seamless execution of custom workflows.
  3. AI-driven Mediation Suggestions.

    1. AI Mediation Assistance
      1. Analyzes the details of the dispute, including evidence, statements, and historical data.
      2. Uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate suggestions for potential settlement options and negotiation strategies.
      3. Provides real-time recommendations to mediators during sessions, helping them navigate complex issues and guide parties towards resolution.
      4. Continuously learns from past mediation sessions to improve the accuracy and relevance of its suggestions.
      5. Integrates with the Resolution Support Tools to offer a cohesive mediation assistance experience.

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