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  • Endpoint: POST /auth/login
interface LoginRequest {
email: string;
password: string;

The response returns the JWT of the logged-in user:

type LoginResponse = string;


  • Endpoint: POST /auth/signup
interface SignupRequest {
first_name: string;
surname: string;
email: string;
phone_number: string;

password: string;

birthdate: string;
gender: Gender;
nationality: string;

timezone: string;
preferred_language: string; // en-US by default
user_type: 'user' | 'expert';

The response will return a temporary JWT that can be used for email verification:

type SignupResponse = string;

Email Verification

  • Endpoint: POST /auth/signup
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
interface VerifyRequest {
pin: string;

The response will invalidate the existing JWT and return a new JWT for the full verified user:

type VerifyResponse = string;

Password Resetting

  • Endpoint: POST /auth/reset-password/send-email
interface SendResetRequest {
email: string;

The response will return a success message

type SendResetResponse = string;

Password Resetting (Resetting)

  • Endpoint: POST /auth/reset-password/reset
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <Temp-JWT>
interface ResetPasswordRequest {
newPassword: string;

The response will return a success message

type ResetPasswordResponse = string;