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Admin Dashboard

  • Endpoint: POST /disputes
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
type SortOrder = "asc" | "desc";
type SortAttribute =
| "title"
| "status"
| "workflow"
| "date_filed"
| "date_resolved";

type FilterAttribute =
| "status"
| "workflow";

interface Filter {
// The attribute to filter by
attr: FilterAttribute;

// The value to search for.
value: string;

interface AdminDisputesRequest {
// Search term for the title of disputes
search: string;

// Pagination parameters
limit?: number;
offset?: number;

sort?: {
// The attribute to sort by
attr: SortAttribute,

// Sort order defaults to 'asc' if unspecified
order?: SortOrder;

// The filters to apply to data
filter: Filter[];

dateFilter?: {
filed?: {
// Filter all disputes filed before the passed-in value (inclusive)
before?: string

// Filter all disputes filed after the passed-in value (inclusive)
after?: string;

// Specifying this filter would eliminate all unresolved disputes
resolved?: {
// Filter all disputes resolved before the passed-in value (inclusive)
before?: string;

// Filter all disputes resolved before the passed-in value (inclusive)
after?: string;

The response will be an array of disputes:

type AdminDisputesResponse = Array<{
id: string;
title: string;
status: string;

// The workflow that the dispute follows
workflow: {
id: string;
title: string;

date_filed: string;

// Optional because dispute may still be active (i.e. no resolved date)
date_resolved?: string;