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User Profile

  • Endpoint: GET /user/profile
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
interface UserProfileResponse {
first_name: string;
surname: string;
email: string;
phone_number: string;

birthdate: string;
gender: Gender;
nationality: string;

timezone: string;
preferred_language: string;

addresses: Address[];
theme: "light" | "dark";

Updating User Profile

  • Endpoint: PUT /user/profile
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
interface UserProfileUpdateRequest {
first_name: string;
surname: string;
phone_number: string;

gender: Gender;
nationality: string;

timezone: string;
preferred_language: string;

addresses: Address[];
theme: "light" | "dark";

The server will respond with the new updated user information:

type UserProfileUpdateResponse = string;

Deleting Account

  • Endpoint: DELETE /user/profile
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

The response will simply be a success message

type UserProfileRemoveResponse = string;

Update Address

  • Endpoint: PUT /user/profile/address
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
interface UserAddressUpdateRequest {
country?: string;
province?: string;
city?: string;
street3?: string;
street2?: string;
street?: string;
address_type?: string;

The server will respond with a success or failure

type UserAddressUpdateResponse = string;

user analytics

  • Endpoint: POST /user/analytics
  • Headers:
    • Autherization: Bearer <JWT>
interface DateRange {
startDate: string;
endDate: string;

interface UserAnalytics {
columnValueComparison?: Array<{ column: string; value: any }>;
orderBy?: Array<{ column: string; direction: "asc" | "desc" }>;
dateRanges?: {
created_at?: DateRange;
updated_at?: DateRange;
last_login?: DateRange;
groupBy?: string[];
count: boolean;